Dr. Kathleen Melago serves as Professor of Music Education at Slippery Rock University and head of the music education program. Kathy joined the faculty at SRU in August 2009, and teaches Introduction to Music Education, Woodwind Methods, Guitar Methods for Music Education, Instrumental Methods, Instrumental Rehearsal Techniques, and Introduction to Music courses and supervises music student teachers and field students. Kathy received her Bachelor of Science in Music Education from Slippery Rock University, her Master of Music in flute performance from the University of Northern Iowa, and her Doctor of Musical Arts from The Ohio State University. She has taught music in Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Ohio, both in schools and privately.
Kathy has been published in periodicals including Music Educators Journal, Teaching Music, Flute Talk, The Instrumentalist, National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors (NACWPI) Journal, and Canadian Music Educator/Musicien éducateur au Canada. She was the first-place winner in the Arts Division of the 23rd Annual Ohio State University Hayes Graduate Research Forum in 2009. She has presented for National Association for Music Education Research and Teacher Education National Conferences, The Midwest Clinic International Band and Orchestra Conferences, National Association for Music Education Eastern Division Conferences, Outreach Scholarship Conferences, Pennsylvania Music Educators Association Conferences, National Flute Association Annual Conventions, and music education conferences in numerous states. Kathy’s book, Modal Exercises for Double- and Triple-Tonguing Mastery, published by ALRY Publications in October 2012, received distinction as a finalist in the National Flute Association’s Newly Published Music competition. As a flutist, Kathy remains active by presenting annual recitals and participating in a variety of other performances. In 2014, Kathy and Jennifer Laubenthal, associate professor of clarinet at Eastern New Mexico University, premiered six new works for flute and clarinet that they had commissioned from six different composers. Kathy has performed as a soloist and with ensembles at National Flute Association conventions, the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association conference, the Iowa Bandmasters Association conference, and the Ohio Music Educators Association conference. She was the flute soloist with The Ohio State University Collegiate Winds, performing Cecile Chaminade’s Concertino, Opus 107, in May 2010. Additionally, Kathy has performed with the Central Ohio Symphony Orchestra, Dubuque (Iowa) Chamber Winds, National Flute Association Professional Flute Choir, National Intercollegiate Band, Butler (Pennsylvania) Symphony Orchestra, and numerous college ensembles at Slippery Rock University, the University of Northern Iowa, and The Ohio State University. Her principal flute teachers include Katherine Borst Jones, Angeleita Floyd, Stacey Steele, and Vanessa Candreva. Kathy served as the District Director for the Eastern Great Lakes 2 District of Mu Phi Epsilon International Music Fraternity from 2010-2014 and was named Mu Phi Epsilon International Music Fraternity District Director of the Year in 2012-2013. She currently serves as the Exhibitor Concert and Showcase Coordinator for the National Flute Association (2013-2018) and as the State Collegiate Advisor for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (2014-2016, 2016-2018). At Slippery Rock University, she serves as the faculty advisor for the Slippery Rock University Chapter of the Pennsylvania Collegiate Music Educators Association and on numerous committees, including the College of Education Accreditation committee, the College of Education Teacher Education Advisory Council, and the College of Liberal Arts and University Curriculum Committees. Kathy enjoys serving her church as flutist at St. Teresa of Avila Parish in Pittsburgh. While earning her doctorate at Ohio State, Kathy worked as the graduate assistant for The Ohio State University P-12 Project, a university-wide initiative created to assist in improving Ohio’s schools, with a special focus on the education of Ohio’s underserved children and youth through the development of strong partnerships and the fostering of effective research and practice in P-12 education. Other past appointments in higher education include teaching flute and establishing and directing the flute choir at Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa, where she served from 2001-2006. From 1999-2001, Kathy served as a graduate teaching assistant at the University of Northern Iowa, teaching the Flute Techniques class for music education majors and applied flute lessons.