Mind the Gap Episode 20

Register in advance for this webinar: https://musicforall-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9MvLAJc5RaWeov7MOCruLw

May BAND Director Hub Webinar

Good Things Come in Small Packages - Successful Design for the Small or Younger Marching Band With Adam Dalton and Susan Smith Successful design and implementation for the small school marching band has many distinct facets and potential obstacles. In this clinic, the presenters will give time-tested techniques and suggestions to improve the experience and […]

Mind the Gap: Yamaha’s HD-300

Join Michael Pote and Kyle Young as they introduce Yamaha’s latest version of the Harmony Director, the HD-300. Through a hands-on demonstration, incorporated rehearsal materials, and an overview of the ensemble and curricular capabilities, this clinic will highlight the educational value of this incredible piece of technology. Register here.

Lunchtime Chat: Middle School Directors’ Group

Free virtual session

Start time: 1 PM ET / 12 Noon CT / 11 AM MT / 10 AM PT. Middle school is TOUGH! Put missed milestones and a pandemic on top of that and we have work to do! Join us as we talk about how to move past last year together. Topics we will address with […]

Free and open to all middle school music educators

Lunchtime Chat: High School Directors’ Group

Free virtual session

Start time: 1 PM ET / 12 Noon CT / 11 AM MT / 10 AM PT We are all longing to get back into the band room and on the football field in a way that looks familiar, because last year was NOT familiar! We did learn lessons, though. How can we build back […]

Free and open to all high school music educators

Lunchtime Chat: College & Music Professionals Group

Free virtual session

Start time: 1 PM ET / 12 Noon CT / 11 AM MT / 10 AM PT For music educators in the music industry/professional career and higher education space. In order to facilitate spaces where others can navigate moving forward, we have to do the work ourselves. Adult reflection has to come first. Join us as […]

Free and open to all college students & music professionals

Lunchtime Chat: Student Group for High School Student Leaders

Free virtual session

Start time: 1 PM ET / 12 Noon CT / 11 AM MT / 10 AM PT Wow! What was that? Last year was rough. Your band directors are longing to get back into the band room, we know YOU are too. What did you miss most about your band? What are you looking forward […]

Free and open to all high school student leaders

Mind the Gap – April 24

Susan Smith is back with new co-host Cameron Jenkins for new episodes of Mind the Gap for Young and Future Music Educators. Watch live on Facebook or Youtube!

Mind the Gap – May 8

Susan Smith is back with new co-host Cameron Jenkins for new episodes of Mind the Gap for Young and Future Music Educators. Watch live on Facebook or Youtube! Season 2: […]

Teaching SEL Through Music – May 15

Teaching SEL Through Music with Dr. Scott Edgar - watch live on Facebook or Youtube! In this episode, Scott talks with music educator Don Stinson about equity and access in […]