Music for All Hall of Fame

Music for All’s Hall of Fame recognizes individuals who have made a significant impact on Bands of America, Music for All, and music education in America. Members represent impeccable character, ethics, and professionalism, and are role models for music education professionals. The Hall of Fame induction ceremony is traditionally held in the spring during the Music for All National Festival in Indianapolis. Members are permanently recognized in the Hall of Fame at Music for All’s Indianapolis headquarters. The Bands of America Hall of Fame was renamed the Music for All Hall of Fame in 2020.

2025 Hall of Fame Inductees

Music for All Hall of Fame Committee

The Music for All Hall of Fame Committee consists of Hall of Fame members and reports to the CEO. 

A Committee with the following composition will govern the Music for All Hall of Fame: 

  • A member of the MFA Board or another person, appointed by MFA’s Board Chairman
  • A member of the MFA Staff, appointed by MFA’s Chief Executive Officer
  • Up to five additional at large members large who have a longstanding MFA/BOA history and/or are current members of the Hall of Fame.  These members will be selected by the current Committee and ratified by the Board.

Hall of Fame Committee Duties include: 

  • Being responsible for developing a mechanism for gathering potential Hall of Fame candidates including recommendations from the music education profession, the marching arts community, and the music industry
  • Making nominations to the Hall of Fame for approval/ratification by the MFA Board of Directors
  • Assisting with and giving counsel to MFA on induction procedure

Committee Term: 

Hall of Fame Committee members will serve three-year terms and be eligible to serve up to two consecutive terms. The appointed staff representative shall be exempt from these criteria and may be designated for longer or shorter periods as determined by the CEO. 

Criteria and Selection Process for New Inductees

Hall of Fame inductees should meet the following criteria:

  • Made/had a significant impact on Bands of America/Music for All, music education, and a national impact on the role of music education in the country
  • Represent impeccable character, ethics, and professionalism
  • Be a role model for music education professionals

Nominees meeting the above selection criteria may be submitted to the Hall of Fame Committee.

Candidates for whom the above-referenced criterion is met will be placed on the list of possible nominees eligible for selection. This list will be reviewed by the Hall of Fame Committee annually for selection. The Committee selects inductees, which must be ratified by Music for All’s Board of Directors.

Nomination Process

A nominator who plans to sponsor a candidate must compile the following data:

  • A letter detailing the nominee’s qualifications based on the MFA Hall of Fame criteria
  • Three (3) supporting letters from the nominee’s peers and/or colleagues familiar with Music for All’s Hall of Fame criteria

Click here for nomination form.

Recognition Process

New inductees to the Hall of Fame are announced each Fall at BOA Grand Nationals, and formally inducted at the Music for All National Festival the following Spring.

  • At Grand Nationals, a video announcement of the most-current class followed by announcement of future inductees prior to induction.
  • Induction at the Music for All National Festival will include a brief video highlighting inductee’s career
  • MFA will provide hotel accommodations (one room, double occupancy) for up to three nights at the National Festival. Round-trip airfare for up to two people will also be provided, as well as National Festival meal and VIP ticket/credential hospitality.
  • At BOA Grand Nationals, VIP ticket/credential hospitality will be provided.
  • Professionally framed photo will be added to the “Hall of Fame” area of MFA Headquarters
    Commemorative Hall of Fame crystal sculpture and lapel pin presented at the induction ceremony

All communications concerning the Hall of Fame should be referred to James Stephens, Director of Education and Advocacy, at