Stan Schoonover has been Music Director of the Fairfax Wind Symphony since its founding in 1999. His thirty-two-year career in public school education included all levels, along with eleven years as Music Supervisor for the Fairfax County (VA) Public Schools. Ensembles under his direction have appeared three times at the Mid-West Clinic, the National Concert Band Festival, and at fifteen VMEA In-Service Conferences. The John Phillip Sousa Foundation awarded the Sudler Silver Scroll to the Fairfax Wind Symphony in December 2019. Mr. Schoonover has been an Adjunct Instructor at James Madison University and is a member of the Music for All Educational Advisory Team, and the Midwest Clinic Advisory Committee.
Mr. Schoonover received degrees from Gettysburg College, and West Chester University. He is an active Past-President of the Virginia Band and Orchestras Directors Association [VBODA], and an elected member of the prestigious American Bandmasters Association.