Riaz Mohammed is an Assistant Band Director at James Bowie High School. His responsibilities include directing the Non-Varsity ensemble (Symphonic Winds), the Freshman Concert Band, the second Jazz Band, the third Steel Drum ensemble, as well as a Brass Chamber Winds class. Prior to Bowie, Mr. Mohammed was an Assistant Band Director to Mr. Scott McAdow in Cy-Fair ISD.
Mr. Mohammed holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Studies from Texas State University studying with Dr. Mary Ellen Cavitt, Dr. Caroline Beatty, Dr. Kyle Glaser, and Horn with Mr. Stephen Hager. While at Texas State, he was an active member on the Leadership Team for the Bobcat Marching Band, a guest performer with the Symphony Orchestra, as well as a member of Ceremonial Brass, Symphonic Winds, and Wind Symphony. As a member of the Texas State Wind Symphony, he also had the opportunity to perform at the Collegiate Band Directors National Association Convention in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
In his education career, Mr. Mohammed has served as a private Horn teacher and on staff with bands across the state, including James Bowie High School, where he student taught with Kimberly Shuttlesworth. In addition to this, Mr. Mohammed holds professional affiliations with Phi Mu Alpha, the Texas Music Educators Association, the National Eagle Scout Association, and the Texas Bandmasters Association. Mr. Mohammed also works as a staff member at the Texas State University summer band camps, as well as the Music for All Summer Symposium.