Chad Armbruster (Minneapolis, Minnesota) has enjoyed a career spanning over 30 years in all facets of the pageantry arts: performer, instructor, designer, director, clinician, and adjudicator. Armbruster holds a music education degree from the University of Minnesota and a Master of Arts in Education degree from Hamline University. His success in supporting diverse music programs led to an invitation to serve the Minnesota Department of Education as a member of the Academic Arts Standards review committee in 2018. Armbruster has held a variety of leadership roles with the following organizations: Minnesota Brass, Southwind, Blue Stars, Madison Scouts, Spirit of Atlanta, Eastview High School, Anoka High School, and Henry Sibley High School. Armbruster is currently the Director of Bands at Richfield High School. He serves as Judge Coordinator for Youth In Music and is an active pageantry arts adjudicator for organizations throughout the United States, including Drum Corps International. Armbruster lives in Minneapolis with his wife Ellen, their son Walter, and daughter Vienna.