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Caleb Rothe
Caleb Rothe




Caleb Rothe (Fontana, California) is the Percussion Education Coordinator for Winter Guard International (WGI). He has been a music educator in Southern California since 1997 and has worked with more than twenty different high schools, independent percussion ensembles, and drum and bugle corps. Rothe is an internationally sought-after clinician and has written for numerous groups across the United States and Japan. He has served as an adjudicator at events across the United States, Europe, and Asia. His judging experience includes work with Bands of America (BOA), Drum Corps International (DCI), WGI, Drum Corps Japan, and a number of local and regional marching arts organizations and events across the United States. On the field, his groups have previously been named DCI Division III World Champions, BOA Grand National Finalists, BOA Regional Champions, and Western Band Association Grand Champions. Rothe was inducted into the WGI Hall of Fame in 2020. He currently serves as an Instructional Technology Coach for the Redlands Unified School District, working with teachers on instructional pedagogy, student engagement, and 21st-century lesson design. Rothe lives with his wife and two sons in Fontana, California.