Warren Rickart (Washington, D.C.) is an internationally recognized marching band and winter guard adjudicator and clinician. A veteran adjudicator for WGI Sport of the Arts, he has adjudicated their color guard world championships and international and regional competitions since 1997. He also adjudicates for Drum Corps International at their regional and world championships. He has served as a member of the WGI Judge Administration team and as the WGI Equipment/Movement caption manager for WGI. Rickart was elected in 2008 to the Hall of Honor for the Atlantic Indoor Association. He is the former chief judge of the Southern States Judges Association, education director for the Atlantic Indoor Association Adjudicators and has held memberships in the AIA Adjudicators, Florida Federation Judges Association, Mid-East Judges Association, Southern States Judges Association and Gulf Coast Judges Association. He was a member of the Madison Scouts drum and bugle corps and Miller’s Blackhawks winter guard and has been visual caption head, color guard caption head, and clinician for numerous award–winning bands around the country.