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Jason Robb
Jason Robb




Jason Robb (Austin, Texas) is a freelance program coordinator, visual designer, and educational consultant. He is regularly commissioned to create award-winning programs and visual designs for pageantry ensembles. Robb is an active clinician, consulting with programs and presenting educational sessions at conferences across the country. He is also an active adjudicator, serving premier pageantry and concert band circuits nationwide.

Before transitioning to full-time pageantry design in 2020, he had a successful career as a band director in Texas. Robb began his career teaching middle school band in The Woodlands for five years. In 2013, he relocated to Cedar Park, Texas to join the band staff at Cedar Park High School, capturing a University Interscholastic League (UIL) Texas State Marching Championship in 2015. In 2016, Robb accepted the position of Director of Bands for Rouse High School in Leander, Texas. Under his direction, the Rouse program has been a Bands of America Regional Finalist, Regional and Super Regional Class Champion, and 5A UIL State Marching Championship Finalist. Robb was named the Phi Beta Mu Texas Young Bandmaster of the Year in 2018. He was inducted into the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Mu in the spring of 2020.

Robb has had an active career in Drum Corps International. From 2008-2015, he served on the brass faculty for the Madison Scouts from Madison, Wisconsin. Robb returned from 2020-2023 to lead the design team as the Program Coordinator. In 2024, he joined the Troopers Drum and Bugle Corps serving as their Staff Coordinator and Design Consultant.

Robb received his Bachelor of Music in Education and Trumpet Performance from Sam Houston State University in Houston, Texas. He currently resides in the suburbs of Austin, Texas with his wife Jackie, son Joseph, and their dog Walter.