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Dr. Richard Mayne
Dr. Richard Mayne




Richard Mayne currently serves as Professor of Music at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC), in Greeley. Dr. Mayne is the conductor of the UNC Symphonic Band which is featured annually on the full-length CD recordings of Grand Mesa Music Publishing Company that are distributed internationally. Dr. Mayne also directs the “Pride of the Rockies” Marching band. He is an elected member of the American Bandmasters Association and a member of the National Band Association.

Dr. Mayne has served as an adjudicator, clinician, and conductor throughout the United States, Canada, and China, and Japan, and Lebanon. Most recently he completed a second semester-long conductor in residence in Tokyo Japan conducting the Musashino Academia Musicae Wind Ensemble. He is currently in his third season as Conductor and Music Director of the Fort Collins Wind Symphony.

Before coming to UNC, Dr. Mayne completed his Ph.D. in Music Education at The Ohio State University (OSU). He studied conducting with Craig Kirchhoff and Richard Blatti. He received his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Music Education from Arizona State University, where he studied conducting with Richard Strange and Robert Fleming, and trombone with Gail Wilson.

As a public school teacher, Dr. Mayne taught in Arizona at the high school level for eleven years, nine of those being at Dobson High School in Mesa, Arizona. While teaching public school, he served as President of the Arizona Band and Orchestra Directors Association and also played trombone in the Tempe Symphony Orchestra for ten years.