Since 2006, Dr. John J. Gallagher has served Long Island, NY’s Longwood Central School District as director of music & fine arts. He is the current president of the New York State Council of Administrators of Music Education (NYSCAME), and the state-wide chairperson for public relations and information for the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA).
Before turning to a career in Music Education, John was employed in the field of public relations and marketing communications holding positions in corporate and brand marketing, health care communications, and journalism. He has presented arts advocacy clinics to various arts education associations and educational institutions across the country including The Midwest Clinic.
His writings on the topic have been published in NYSSMA’s Magazine, School Music News, NAfME’s Teaching Music, and The Instrumentalist.
His doctoral research studied the role of music administrators and music educators as advocates for their school music programs, and a portion of his dissertation was published to create NYSSMA’s Advocacy manual. He holds a B.S. in Communication Arts from St. John’s University, an M.S. in Music Education from C.W. Post College, an Advanced Graduate Certificate in School District Administration from the University at Stony Brook, and an Ed.D. in Educational Administration from Dowling College.