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Bruce Jones
Bruce Jones




Bruce Jones (North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania) is from North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in education, Jones has been involved in the pageantry arts for 40 years. His experience includes being a performer, designer, instructor, and consultant for many national programs in drum and bugle corps, marching band, and winter color guard. Many of the programs he’s worked with have been finalists in Drum Corps International, Drum Corps Associates, Bands of America, and Winter Guard International events, as well as state champions and state finalists. Jones has also been involved as a clinician at many national marching band and color guard workshops throughout the United States. Jones’ judging background spans 30 years in which he has been involved in judging local, regional, and international events. He has adjudicated in such prestigious events as Drum Corps International Championships, Drum Corps Japan Championships, Drum Corps Europe, Drum Corps Indonesia Championships, and Bands of America, along with numerous state and regional marching band, color guard, and percussion competitions across the United States.